Tuesday, August 14, 2012


The Old Chow is gone across the Rainbow Bridge. When the vet got here, Genghis didn't even stir, and when the vet held his hand down for the dog to smell, there was no response. The vet said it looked like he'd stroked out in the last couple of days/weeks.

 After this, I got in the car and drove to San Antonio, to attend San Japan Mach 5. A fun con, even tho I'm not an anime fan. So why were you at an anime con, if you don't like anime? "Chaperoning" a young woman who's mother didn't want her to be in San Antonio alone. Now that W is old enough, we can start going to cons a bit more. As a drama person, I love to dress up for con.

 We'll be doing ComicCon in October, W about had an out of body experience when he found out the 501st (Vader's Fist) was going to be there, so he's opted for a stormtrooper costume. S and I have decided to go Steampunk. We went back and forth between Egyptian explorer and airship pirates. Airship pirates won. So now to start hitting the thrift shops, got the sewing machine all set up and ready to go. S has said I need to be captain (No argument here!), he's looking at pilot. I have a couple of pieces of clothing already that will work, just have to add to them. Stay tuned for pics and updates!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Ghengis - but he really is in a better place.

    Also - totally jealous of you going to the Con :)
