Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dust mops at 6 a.m.

 We were pleased when we found out one of the new neighbors was the son of the now deceased elderly couple who lived there when I bought the house. He seemed to be a nice guy, into gardening and likes dogs. Little did I know that Nice Neighbor Guy came with his three dust mops: Yappy litttle Pomeranians.

 Now, I like dogs just fine. However, Nice Guy and his housemate let the dustmops out at 6 a.m. every morning. And they bark. And bark. And bark. And then my dogs want to go bark, and run up and down the fence barking. Little yappers are one thing, but when my Lab/Sheppard mix lets out the bass "Hwhoof!", that is his bark, it carries WAY further than yapping.

 So I have not been able to use my back yard in the mornings for about 3 weeks now. I was hoping the dust mops would settle down once they had been here awhile, doesn't look like that is going to happen. I've debated talking to the neighbors about it, but I have not had real good luck doing that. People who choose to not have children get downright stupid about their dogs sometimes. (It's a DOG, people, not a fucking child!)

 So what I am going to do is be the asshole neighbor who lets THEIR dogs run around and bark at 6 a.m. at the yappy neighbor dogs. I'm also going to return to using my own back yard in the mornings, which is going to make the dust mops bark even more.When someone complains, I will direct THEM to the neighbors. Problem (hopefully) solved in short order.


  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Dust Mops

  2. Thanks PP! And yes, they neighbors finally started being more responsible, and we love them for it! :) More posts to come, now that I have a breather.
