Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Old Girlfriends and New Business

 We are counting down to Comic Con this Saturday. I wasn't going to go this year, I was just going to send the boys, until I saw that this would be the first ever reunion of the entire cast of STTNG. Tickets are bought, costumes, however, are at a standstill. At least mine is. I wanted to go with a Steampunk Egyptian explorer, and second guessed myself into Weird West instead. Now we're down to the wire, and most of my costume either doesn't fit, or doesn't look right, and after paying to have S's car fixed, I have no $$ to buy anything else. Bah. I didn't want to go in the first place, walking around all afternoon after 3 days on my feet at the bakery is not a fun prospect.

 S has an old gf he keeps in touch with, and this did not bother me until she started flirting with him openly on FB. HE says they are 'just friends'. I have no issue with a casual lover being just friends, or being friends with a woman he just met, but this is someone he had a relationship with, and I assume hoped at one point to have a future/family with. The woman in question is newly divorced, and talks about how S helped her through the divorce, how she LOVES talking to him, blah, blah. Now, down here in Texas, we don't take kindly to that sort of thing, as it usually means the divorced woman is planning on trying to latch onto the 'helpful man'. Being older than S and much, much more experienced in these matters, this makes me a bit wary. And now this woman has decided to fly down to Austin for Comic Con. To 'meet' S for the first time irl. Uh huh.

 Now to the dilemma: She is a reviewer, and is working Comic Con. She also gave the bakery a nice plug, and ordered a substantial order. (Which also contributes to my not wanting to go, I am going to be beat after completing this HUGE order.) Had I not needed the $$, I would have refused this order. However, I can't, and now I'm stuck having to go and be all happy and cheery to this person.


 Saturday is going to suck.


  1. Just to put a different perspective on it... I have a very good friend who has a history of REALLY bad men. She likes to talk and text with married guys because they are "safe"... she still likes to interact with males, sometimes, but needed time with married men friends to work herself back up to a place where she could trust any men again.

    Some people had issues with this, but I have no problem with her being friends with my hubby. Of course, she's my friend too... Maybe said chicky is trying to be your friend too - hence the bakery stuff?

    Anyway... on the OTHER SIDE OF THAT COIN... maybe some kind of "Two headed" costume is in order... where you and S are "connected" and she can't get into "hanging" mode. Because, you know, I like to give the benefit of the doubt... but sometimes that's not what people deserve.

    Go to lots of panels and sit a lot. Save your spoons!!

  2. oh hell no. be honest about how it makes u feel to both yourself and s and lay down the law. it is ok that this womans past relationship makes u uneasy about her. I dont do the friends with exes thing and will never date anyone again that is super cozy with thier exes. its too much stress. Either S should be making out and feeling u up all over whenever shes around or he needs to make clear to her in front of u that yall are married and thats that no games. be honest with S about how u feel, ( even if what u feel is just that feelings and theres nothing to back it up, a feeling, specially in a pagan, is legitimate no matter what it is.) S needs to then proccess how u feel and take the appropriate action. i dont think thier is anything wrong with a spouse saying, honey, im just not comfortable with this situation. its not u im worried about, i know u, but i dont know her and i know myself, and I dont want her to bump into u accidently, me see it, and me kill her...or to even have those feelings. and to S i would say in your case with ur ex its very clear yall arent interested in ezch other and the only reason yall have contact is for the sake of W. Love ya! never hide your feelings becouse even if there is nothing to back it up, u feel that way and that in itself is legitimate. S love ya too and hope he will want to do whats best to make u feel better. just remember its OK to feel anyway.
