Monday, November 5, 2012

T-minus 12 hours

So tomorrow's voting day. All over the country, people are claiming that they are being suppressed and not allowed to vote. I'll be taking my fully charged phone, in case I need to take pics of any kind of shenanigans at the polling place.

 Texas has threatened to arrest any foreign observers trying to get into the polling places. I have to agree on this one, there is no reason whatsoever for ANY foreign countries to be invading our polling places. It is a secret ballot, and they have no business here anyway, any more than we have any business interfering with their country. Things would be alot better in the world if everyone would mind their own business. The USA needs to stop sending aid to other countries, until our economy is recovered, and ALL our people fed, clothed and housed.

 I am against welfare programs as they are now. I think anyone applying for welfare needs to be given a job. Don't like the jobs to choose from? Then tough shit, no government $$ for you. My parents worked at shit jobs, because they had to, to feed and house their family. I have been poor, but I have never taken one cent of food stamp or welfare money. I have been so poor that I walked 5-6 miles or more a day, picking up aluminum cans along the freeway to sell so I could buy food. I picked up pecans and sold them for 40 cents a pound, and paid for college. I have been a driver for a call girl, because it was the only job I could find at the time. Think I like spending mucho hours a week on my feet, to make a few dollars a day? Think again. And by the way, I'm considered disabled. See my disability check? Of course you don't, I don't get one. I could, but I do not consider myself to be in need of disability, because I can still get out and hustle if I need to. I take responsiblity for myself and my family, I don't let the government fo it for me.



  1. I think the safety net is important. some people literally cannot live without it.

    That being said... I agree that people who receive benefits should work for them - or be enrolled in some kind of training program that will lead to work.

    Many women simply CANNOT work because of lack of child care... solution... give half of them jobs taking care of children so the other half can work.

    The HAS to be a better way than where we are now.

  2. My hope is that more people will become politically active. I personally wish they would implement a term limits on all public officials. You are supposed to serve the community, not make a career out of it. You put term limits in place and you will get fresh blood, new ideas, and things might actually change.

    The current establishment wants to keep things as status quo. You want to see true healthcare reform - revoke any/all for congress. Make them have the exact same options that the public has. Put a politicians pay up to the voters. How many other places can have an approval rating in the teens and still determine how many days they have off, their benefits package, retirement? Bah, it's disgusting.

  3. i really wish i could go back to work. and yet other times i wish i would just die off so i wouldnt be a waste of breath
