Monday, November 30, 2009

Another dead turkey day come and gone.

Thanksgiving, Dead Native Day, Turkey Day, or whatever you call it has come and gone for 2009. It was a quiet uneventful holiday this year, W was a bit sick, but it appeared to have been allergies, and it didn't really slow down his computer time at all. We had a nice dinner, traditional this yea, nothing fancy.

 I've been catching up on the news, and it's not a pretty sight. Shootings and violence and cop killers, oh my! Makes me seriously not want to leave the house. I haven't been stupid/desperate enough to brave Black Friday in many a year, pretty much since when online. More and more, brick and mortar places are giving way to online. With gas prices the way they are, some of those sci-fi movie plots aren't looking too much like fiction any more, now are they?


  1. If all shipping was free, I'd probably never see the inside of a store again.

  2. Me too! Sometimes tho, living in a city with waaay too many ppl on the roads, I'll pay the shipping. My sister would have everything shipped, even food delivered (Peapod, gotta love the rich who can afford such things!).
