Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No more hot tub *sniff*

 The wood fired hot tub was an awesome idea, not so much in practice. After much debate, we decided to sell it. Today it went off to its new home in a clan camp at Sherwood Forest Renaissance Faire. I wish them much enjoyment, and they should be the envy of all the other clans. 

 I'm hoping to sell my blacksmith's forge to one of the armorers as well, since it is a family heirloom, I want someone who will use it, that's what my grandfather would have wanted. We have begun serious downsizing of our stuff, in preparation for a possible move down the road, if things don't pick up here.  

 With the sale of the hot tub, we have enough money to stave off a housemate for awhile, and I am back to work in the bakery and my shop space. With luck and determination, I'm hoping to be able to make enough so that we don't have to share the house again. I have yet to come out of a housemate situation without something being broken or stolen. Not sure yet if I'm going straight online, or will be open business hours. Leaning more towards online, that gives me a lot more flexibility to work on bigger projects and maybe travel a bit now that my child rearing days are over. The waiting game is done, time to get moving. 

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