Saturday, December 12, 2009

The World turns and things change

 Wow. I was amazed to find out that John's idea of opening a recording studio wasn't just a dream, he's got the goods and the moolha. Oh my. And when I expressed a desire to work in the music biz as something more than just a musician, he whacked me on the head with his mojo stick, and now I'm a record producer. Just like that. My.Oh.My.Oh.My.
 I had always thought I might be interested in production, and now here I am, thrown into the deep end to sink or swim. (I hate you John, I hate you so very much.....) My first gig is Tuesday, evaluating a young rapper to see if we want to produce him. So far I'm the only producer in the stable, so I'm hoping to pick up a few more gigs and see what happens. Wish me luck!