Monday, August 17, 2015

End of an Era

 Within the last 3 weeks, we have had two holidays, and three upheavals. We celebrated our anniversary and my birthday, and in between the two, S got laid off by AT&T after being one of the top 1% in his department for nearly 11 years. Rather than try to return to the call center, he has decided to move forward, rather than back, and look for a job in the computer industry, which is the field of his degree. 

 I had decided to close the Pagan shop, and scale back the bakery to my current customer base several weeks before this happened. Instead of trying to open back up, I too have decided to shake things up, and finally get around to writing. I was published in my younger days, and with self publishing, writers are no longer tied to a publishing house, fielding weeks/years of rejection letters, and being under the editor and agent's thumbs. This will be my first foray into fiction, as previously I wrote research papers and a bit of bad poetry, which none the less managed to get put into print, long before home computers were a thing. 

 Number three hit last week was our son informing us he was quitting college to find a dead end minimum wage job. I am super bummed that his biofather is letting him get away with this. Why the man wanted a child in the first place, I will never know, since he takes zero interest in what W is doing. They have given him little help in the year he has lived with them, and he is refusing to move home so he can get his life together. I'm sure he's going to show up on my doorstep at 28 with no job, no education, and no where to live, and I will have to fix my ex's fuck up once again. 

 So at 52, I am once again striking out to new territory. Brave new world! 


  1. You are the Dragon and you will prevail over all these.

    Also - Can't wait to see your fiction!!

  2. Yeah. I'm also glad we've decided to move forward as opposed to trying to go back It's scary and exciting.

  3. Dont make me come down there and whoop ur ass W! Wtf! I am for sure going to message him this afternoon.

  4. Dont make me come down there and whoop ur ass W! Wtf! I am for sure going to message him this afternoon.
