The shooting in Conn. was horrible. No denying that. But that is not what I want to expound on here today.
The anti-gun people are burning up the Internet with their screams of gun control. Speaking as someone with SEVEN law enforcement officers in the family, I am against gun control. Criminals will have NO issues getting guns in a gun controlled society. Allowing the government to take away one of the civil liberties set in our CONSTITUTION is not going to solve anything, only create worse issues. Banning something does not mean it will be out of reach, that worked SO well for drugs, didn't it?
The FIRST thing a Socialist or Communist government does is take away an individual's ability to protect themselves. They claim that the government is there to protect you. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ask the relatives of people in Tibet just how well the 'government' takes care of them. (Communist China, for those of you who failed history.)
I have made it a point to not comment on anti-gun posts on FB. I have also made it a point to NOT post anything about the shooting. Let the family members of the slain mourn in peace, without having the pictures splashed on every damn FB post, newspaper, t.v. station and everywhere else you turn.
I will NEVER agree that gun control is a good idea. So don't bother posting statisics (Lies, damn lies and statisics), or your own opinion on the matter. Any comments will be deleted. I am not interested in hearing your point of view, I most likely already know what it is. To quote the great late Richard Pryor, "You done landed on Mr. Gilmore's property now!" You will not change my mind, any more than I will change yours.
That is all.
A Certain Point of View
9 years ago
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