Monday, August 27, 2012


I should be excited today. It is the first day of school. Unfortunately, I had a horrible night last night, about 9 p.m. I was playing WoW, and all of a sudden every joint in my body that I have injured over the years (Which is alot) began to ache. I went to bed, woke up in abject pain about midnight. Used old woman cream, it helped for awhile, finally resorted to aspirin, which dulled the pain a little so I was able to fitfully doze the rest of the night. Ugh.

 At least today is a sewing day, so I won't have to be on my feet. I have a little bit of work to do on the first bag I made, then to the Etsy shop with it. I'll be digging out fabric today to see what I can put together for the next bag. I still have plenty of blue jeans to recycle. My goal for this week is to get at least 3 things up in the shop. One is nearly ready, I should be able to knock out 2 today, and 3 tomorrow, just in time to work at the bakery on Wednesday. Gonna be a busy week.

 This Friday is the blue moon, trying to decide what to do. S wants to have ritual Saturday, since he and the person he wants to invite have to work Friday. He's working on the circle in the mornings, hopefully it will be ready. The hot tub probably will not be in service, we're in the process of getting it ready to move to its new home. Ah well.

 Time to get the boy off to his first day of his junior year, and then to work!


  1. Can't wait to see some of those bags. I really like the one you posted on FB (but I am not personally a "floral print" kinda girl ;)

  2. Working on a new one today. The only reason I use the floral stuff is because it is heavy duty upostery material. I don't care for it either, looks like Grandma's couch!
