After a spat with my sister today that caused her to hang up on me after I called her on some BS she was spouting, I got online and typed 'fat hate' into the search engine. A lot of FA blogs/articles came up, and of course, so did the FH (Fat Haters) stuff. I'm surprised I was able to read them and not become totally outraged. In fact, I felt a sense of sadness for these poor pitiful ppl who have nothing else to do than waste that kind of energy on people they had never met and would never be influenced by.
The bad attitude is all mine, caused by my sister. She was force-retired when her department was shut down due to the economy, and while that was going on I had to listen to her complain how she'd never be able to live off the 100+K her husband makes, and we're eating rice and beans to make ends meet. (We're on ultra-frugal mode, to save up for much needed home repairs). Now, she has been more than generous in the past, buying me clothes, giving me $$, but it is still hard to sit and listen to that. And to top it off, she's gaining weight at an astronomical rate, and whining about how she hates being fat, she'll never accept it, boohoohoo. (She is a fat fat-basher, they are almost worse than previously fat ppl who like to say how anyone can do it, just put down the fork!) And is she doing anything towards it? Not really. So she's down on herself, and totally bored, and wants someone to listen to her cry about it. She doesn't want a 'solution', she wants to lie around in her robe all day and bitch. OK, fine, but I have got a ton of things going on atm, and no time to deal with it, not to mention energy. But, according to her, they aren't REAL things. Like the fact that on Thursday, I will be opening my art studio. I want to sell my art, and I've always wanted my own gallery, and this is the fist logical step. But that's not a REAL job, or even anything at all important. She sounds more and more like our mother every day. I still love her, she is my sister, but I can't deal with this any more. I have to save myself. I'm tired of being told I'm fat, my friends are losers, how I 'better hang onto' my husband, like I'm gonna run off to Boca with someone else. (Not a chance, my husband's the greatest!) Let's not even get into her husband and that whole twisted relationship.
Yes, I know my lifestyle does not meet with your approval. I love you, but get a life, and quit trying to live vicariously through me or your child. I can't deal with someone dragging me down, making me depressed, then saying "You're so negative, this isn't a good day for us!" and hanging up. Take a look in the mirror sister, YOU are the cause of my bad attitude.
A Certain Point of View
9 years ago
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