Sunday, December 8, 2024

Low Carb and Why It Didn't Work For Me Long Term

So after 18 months on keto/carnivore it is time for my thoughts about it.

  After losing my eyesight in one eye in 2019 and having my blood pressure and blood sugar skyrocket from the treatment I knew I needed to get my health back on track. After 7 doctor visits with different specialists doctors who threw a stack of prescriptions at me and refused to find out why I was having these issues I realized the medical industrial complex had zero interest in fixing me, because they would lose income. They don't want to cure patients, they want lifelong cash cows. 

 I got a new glucose monitor and spent 3 months poking myself 4 times after I ate anything to see what effect it had on my blood glucose. (30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes), started exercising again and cutting back on food in general and lost 45 pounds. I still wasn't feeling any better so I put my research training into practice and started researching lifestyle and diet more in depth. I ran across Dr. Ken Berry, a practicing medical doctor who was advocating a carb free lifestyle. This led me to other doctors who were advocating low/zero carb diets and claiming they were the panacea for modern health issues. They claimed that as a species we were supposed to be straight carnivore. Um, okay. I double majored in cultural anthropology and ancient history and double minored in biology and botany. Eating large amounts of meat did allow us to develop past the other animals, and cooking it did even more. However, biologically speaking we are designed to eat plants too. 

 Many of the carnivore docs claim that because modern plants are nothing like their original forms that we shouldn't eat plants at all. Yes, we have as a species improved the plants we like top eat through selective breeding and hybridization. It takes around a thousand years for adaptation to happen and we have been farming for ten thousands years. Even in the early days of our species we ate about 65% animal products and the rest fruits and vegetables. 

 Despite this, I decided to give it a try. I was at a point that I figured what the hell, might as well. 

In spring of 2023, I started on keto, then went carnivore after a couple of months. In the first 3 months, I felt great. Joints stopped hurting, gut issues cleared up, skin cleared up, mental health improved tremendously, depression got way better. It was easy, just cook some meat and eat it and eat LOTS of fat and salt.

A major downside, I immediately gained 20 pounds of the 45 I had lost up to this time. Okay, not thrilled about that, but I was losing body fat at a rapid weight. All the carnivore experts say weight will come off. Nope, it didn't.

Next issue was body cramps that ramped up to a nearly debilitating point. So back to the carnivore docs, asked in live chat a few times about it. The answer was always massive doses of salt and electrolyte supplementation with gallons of water. Didn't work, no matter how much I took and how much water I drank.

Then came acute pancreatitis. Twice. If you've never had it, it is like having a razor sharp knife stuck in your body that is being constantly twisted around. Would not recommend. Back to research, and too much fat looked to be the culprit. So I reduced the amount of animal fat I was eating. Which triggered massive constipation. It was so bad that it caused actual physical damage. So back to the carnivore docs who told me to eat much more fat, despite it triggering pancreatitis. Pass, thanks.

Next was kidney stones. The Carnisphere claims it is 'oxalate detox'. Ooookkkaaayyy, I wasn't eating anything that had oxalates for nearly a year. "Oh, it will be years before you detox from oxalates!" SIX MONTHS of suffering with horrible kidney stones and the pain. I definitely was rethinking continuing the diet at this point.

The final straw was that I could not keep my blood sugar above 70. I was born with hypoglycemia, and when my sugar drops below 100 I get waves of terrible nausea, break out in a cold sweat and get very light headed. I would eat some meat and it wouldn't help at all, only carbs would bring my sugar up to low normal level.

At this point I decided to throw in the towel and start eating carbs again. Gut pain improved immediately, kidney pain took longer but finally went away. I do have to limit grains and high carb veg to keep my blood sugar down. I still haven't lost the weight I gained, but I hope it will eventually. I'm able to function again without pain.

Am I disappointed? I am, it looked to be a simple fix for a lot of problems. I was optimistic in the early days since it did seem to be doing everything that the Carnisphere said it would. I see people on interviews talking about how they have been carnivore for 5,10 and even 60+ years with no issues. I'm glad it works for them, and I would say it is worth a try, at least as an elimination diet, for most anyone. It didn't work for me, so I have returned to a lower carb omnivore diet. I am one of those weird people who like vegetables. Even as a kid I loved Brussels sprouts, they were my favorite veg. I missed those during the carnivore months.

One other thing I want to comment on is the Carnisphere itself. There is a massive amount of gatekeeping and toxic behavior. Many of the carnivore docs tout only grass fed/grass finished beef as the ONLY food a human needs. No it is not. It is a food that you can survive on for a very long time, but it is not the be all to end all food for humans.

For myself, I am cooking from scratch again and eating the way I did as a kid in the 1960s and 70s before the influx of processed plastic food like substances. We are replanting the garden we let go during the carnivore months, and I am looking forward to having good fresh produce. Meat is awesome and will always be a big part of my diet, but carnivore diet is not for me.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Why is it so much harder at 60 than it was at 30?

  Aging has its ups and down. There are good days and bad days, both physical and mental. It can be a time to slow down and reflect, or a time of non-stop social interaction. The one thing that no one told me is that being an Aspie and trying to find friends at this age sucks. Maybe it is because people are no longer accepting as they age of anyone who  is different.  Maybe it's just me.

 I have finally started to come out of a several years long depression and illness which was compounded by the Plague. I have been getting out more and trying to be social. It has not been going well. I have reached out to several people I have knows for years, and the responses have been nil. Back when I moved to Austin, new friends were everywhere, it was easy to meet people. As the years went by I realized that the majority of them were only 'party friends', people you only see when there is a social gathering. Don't expect them to stick around when the going gets rough, they aren't interested in sick sad you, or even you as a person, they are only interested in what they can get out of you, and when you longer provide those things, they are away to the next person who can.

  When my sister died, I got 'thoughts and prayers'. My world had been destroyed, and not one single person here bothered to even come by to see how I was doing. They felt like waving some thoughts and prayers my way online was enough, and then they went about their day. I get it. This wasn't their tragedy, and they had zero interest in what I was going through, so why waste the energy? Not one single 'friend' bothered to even check on me in person. 

 Then I got sick and was hospitalized. Nothing contagious, I had lost vision in one eye and I was stuck in a hospital bed being pumped full of steroids. I regained my sight mostly. It was excruciatingly painful, and pretty terrifying. My husband would come for 30 minutes or so after work, but he had the household and all the animals to deal with. I spent 3 days alone, and exactly two people came to visit me, and they were a couple, so one visit. They even drove from the next town over to do it, and I can not express how much I enjoyed their visit and the comfort that they gave me. Radio silence from everyone else I knew in town. Then the plague struck and everyone was isolated. 

 Fast forward to now, and after a year of lifestyle change, I have finally started to regain some health, both physical and mental, and wanting to return to the world of the living. So I tried reaching out to people who I thought were friends. Boy, was I wrong. People aren't even bothering to return messages. It's not like I'm asking for money or anything, all I wanted to do is say hi, maybe hang out a little and catch up on with what's been going on. 

 Maybe it's where I live. I'm ready to switch gears in my life, live a bit slower, quieter pace than the hectic big city noise and constant hustle.  

Or maybe it's just me. Aspies can be a lot to handle, I get that. We're very Hobbit-like, we don't like crowds and loud venues, we tend to obsess and geek out over weird things, and it is hard to find someone who has the same interests to geek out over. Knowing that doesn't make it suck any less though. 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Life, Food and Arting

 Hideyho neighborinos! 

 It's been a minute since I have posted anything here, and it has been a wild couple of years. The plague years were rough. We didn't lose any friends or family, but a lot of people did. Both myself and my partner contracted it in the early days, and mine segued into long form. Luckily our adult son escaped it, although his biofather and biofather's wife wife contracted it. Due to health and lifestyle issues they both had very severe effects, which caused my ex to have a massive stoke he will not recover from and is in steady decline, and eventually took the life of his wife after she was sick for a year.  

 2023 was a sucktacular year for me. We had been on the cusp of moving for a while, with the partner's job jerking him back and forth about it. The stress as well as other things was causing my own decade long health issues to get worse, and I started trying to go through the medical community to find out just wtf was wrong. I finally gave up on doctors when I was met with a runaround of multiple different specialists claiming I didn't have MS/thyroid issues/rheumatoid arthritis/cortisol issues/whatever their specialty was. GPs are worthless unless you have basic sniffles, a sprain or need a cut stitched up. After having one not even examine me (He rested two fingertips on the back of my forearm for less than 10 seconds, I have wondered if that was some sort of state requirement that he actually had to touch me to get paid.) stared at his computer in silence for 5 minutes then threw two pill scripts at and told me I would be taking them for the rest of my life.) and another tell me I needed a battery of expensive tests not covered by insurance, I fired them and began my own search to fix myself. 

 Putting my college training in research methods to use, I started researching. And did more research. And even more research, wading through medical papers, videos, podcasts, webpages, anything I could find related to the issues I was having. Totally by accident I stumbled across a video by a Dr. Ken Berry, and that's when I began to find some answers. From there I went to Dr. Cywes, Dr. Saladino, and a host of other medical professions who have grown sick and tired of the gaslighting and patient abuse-for-cash of their field, and embarked on their own journeys to return to actually healing people instead of creating lifelong shills for Big Pharma. 

 I started cutting carbs, then eased into keto, then finally carnivore over the course of a year. I was losing weight at first, then when I transitioned to carnivore, my weight shot up by 24 pounds (I was in the 240s when I started.) and refused to budge. All the carnivore 'experts' claimed this was normal, natural and I should just let it happen. Body fat, however, was shrinking at an exponential rate. So I continued with carnivore, eating 95% animals products, all the things the doctor influencers claimed I needed. I was seeing a huge reduction in inflammation, stomach issues, moods, lots of things. The carnivore diet was working great.....until it didn't. 

 A week before Thanksgiving I started to feel not so good. I developed a lower backache that only seemed to be getting worse by the hour. Then hours of nausea, finally throwing up while my lower insides were on fire with pain. I went to the urgent care clinic, thinking I had developed a massive kidney/bladder infection. They took a sample and sent me home with antibiotics. After 2 days they called to tell me it was not an infection, I was clear. The discolored urine said different, and then it suddenly occurred to me that I had passed a sizeable kidney stone. I had one 25 years ago, and stopped drinking sodas which the doc claimed was the cause, and never had another one until now. 

 So back into the research, as I continued to have kidney pain and pass small stones every few days. While many of the carnivore influencers claimed carnivore healed their kidney disease, I started to run across stories of people having the same issues as me. After suffering for weeks, I made the decision to add some carbs back into my diet by way of berries. The pain started to ease after just a few days, so I added organic honey to my fruit and homemade yogurt, watching my blood sugar since I had started this journey due to upwards creeping blood sugar numbers. 

 As I continued to improve, I delved into deeper research on proper diet for our species. We are developed biologically to eat and thrive on a range of materials, plant and animal. For me personally I seem to do the best on animal products, low oxalate veg and fruit. ('Fruit' includes anything with seeds, like squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.) We've been on this way of eating for a few weeks, and I am seeing weight finally dropping, kidney finally healing, and I'm no longer constantly tired.  

 Now, to the arting section. I did get a third book published in the Salvage series, a collaboration with my partner. I have been working on the house again since we are staying, adding artistic touches here and there as we remodel, as well as working on some sculptures and other things. I am also in the process of editing and doing the cover art for my partner's latest novel in his supernatural series. While I am not at a point to write another book, I decided to return to blogging for a bit to scratch the writing itch.

Things are slowly getting better from the clusterfuck it has been the last few years, and I can only hope it will continue.