Good morning Monday! Yes, yes, I know, I have been really slacking and not writing like I should, but sometimes life gets in the way. We have spent the last 2 weeks building a wood fired hot tub, more on that in a detailed post.
More and more in the news are the reports coming in that Monsanto's GMO crops are actually the crap we thought them to be 20 years ago when they first started hawking them. I will not shed a single tear when they are gone, and we will hopefully be able to repair the horrible damage they are wrecking on the environment. The latest bee kill has been tied directly to the pesticide producing crops. These idiots have ignored the fact that BEES and other pollinators are insects as well.
The GMO crops after 10 years not only have not produced better yields, in many cases they are worse, because the GMO plants use all their energy producing pesticide or herbicide, and not enough in actual production of an edible part. Now that they have been exposed for the money grubbing fraud corporation that they truly are, I find it hard to believe that some people still think GMO crops are a good idea. These people are what's known as "willfully ignorant". They refuse to believe that scientific long term studies actually show the true state of things.
These are the same type of people that thought Agent Orange and Thalidomide were a good idea. They have no fucking clue what kind of long term (I'm talking generations) genetic damage exposure to these man-made monstrosities are going to cause. We have seen a massive rise in cancers and other diseases since the Industrial Revolution, due to toxins being poured into the water supply, or in some cases, directly onto the ground. They do not dissipate harmlessly, they are consumed by the microscopic creatures, and then the toxins move up the food chain, until they come back full circle to humans. Not that any of this will make the slightest impact on the nay-sayers, when confronted by actual research, they tend to stick their fingers in their ears and scream at the top of their lungs. One of my favorite and most used sayings is "Too often I find myself trying to describe the stars to blind men. I also occasionally play the lyre for deaf people." This describes these people to a T. After decades of trying to educate these iggnernt asshats, I have finally given up, and can only hope that they all die off quickly from their love of GMO and proccessed foods.
I did make the mistake this morning of trying to educate a couple of them, and I can only imagine that they will have some bullshit to spout off. On Facebook, I have blocked several of these people, and cut even more off my friends list. I have limited time and energy, and none to waste any longer on these people. They are welcome to their opinion, but not on my social media. Likewise, you post a comment here that offends me, its gone, and no whining. You done landed on Mr. Gilmore's property now!
A Certain Point of View
9 years ago