Monday, December 21, 2009

Quick update

 Today's the last day for J in the studio. Six hours of work, then a party. I love my job!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The World turns and things change

 Wow. I was amazed to find out that John's idea of opening a recording studio wasn't just a dream, he's got the goods and the moolha. Oh my. And when I expressed a desire to work in the music biz as something more than just a musician, he whacked me on the head with his mojo stick, and now I'm a record producer. Just like that. My.Oh.My.Oh.My.
 I had always thought I might be interested in production, and now here I am, thrown into the deep end to sink or swim. (I hate you John, I hate you so very much.....) My first gig is Tuesday, evaluating a young rapper to see if we want to produce him. So far I'm the only producer in the stable, so I'm hoping to pick up a few more gigs and see what happens. Wish me luck!  

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

PETA strikes again!

Once again PETA has put out an ad guaranteed to piss off most of the American public. I am so not a fan of PETA. They might have had a good idea at one time, but these self-righteous shitheads think that the entire country should follow a vegan diet. Ooookkkkaaayyy.....if we are supposed to be herbavores, why do vegans have to be sure to eat plenty of PROTEIN, the best digestable source found in ANIMAL FLESH??? I never liked PETA to begin with, and I really didn't care for their tactic a few years ago of taking their graphic violence comic and handing them out to young children. How about we shoot all the PETA ppl and use their skins for clothing? Have to feed the meat to the cats and dogs tho, I'm sure they taste foul.