Monday, August 31, 2009

Recipe of the Week - Toad in the Hole

This is a very easy breakfast dish I first saw on the movie Moonstruck. I asked my half-Italian mother what it was, and she repiled "Oh, that's Toad in the Hole!" Ok, so the name's not so good, but the dish is!

1 red bell pepper (Must use reds, it doesn't really taste right with the other colors), cored, de-seeded and sliced longways into thin strips.
Thick sliced bread of your choice. I used English toasting bread this time.
Take some butter, melt it in a skillet and saute the pepper strips until soft and slightly brownish on the edges. When they are done, remove them from the pan and add more butter.
Take your bread and cut a hole right in the middle of the slice. You can use a biscuit cutter, or a knife. This is where your egg will go, so size it accordingly. Reserve the round of bread if desired.
Place the bread in the skillet with the butter. The bread will soak up the pepper-flavored butter while it cooks. I also cook the cut out rounds as well. Break an egg into the hole. Don't worry if it runs out a bit.
Cook the whole thing until the bread is crisp and golden brown on the bottom, then carefullly flip it over and cook the other side till the egg is done to your liking. I like mine a bit squishy so the yolk runs out when I cut it.
Once bread/eggs are cooked, transfer to plate and top with pepper slices. Quick and easy, and very tasty!
(Sorry I couldn't get more pics up, having issues posting multiple images. I'll see if I can't get that fixed before next week's recipe post)

New blog I'm reading

Was reading the Zaftigs today, for Just Move Monday, and the guest poster was a delightful woman from Tennessee, check out her green blog.

Friday, August 28, 2009

School sucks, and food rules!

So, my returning to college venture didn't quite go the way I expected. After looking at the prof's webpage for the US Gov class I'd registered for, it occurred to me that I really, really did not want to be doing this. Sure, if the Degree Fairy came by with an anthro degree, I'd take it. But the bullshit of math, foreign language and US Gov just hit me like a ton of tofu. So I dropped the class, and began to look at things I really liked to do. And food is the top choice.
As I've started before, I love food. I read about food, think about food, have sex with food, (Well, and a partner, but that's another post!) Food, food, food. After my guest post on the Zaftig Chicks blog, I started thinking, "Hey, what about that cookbook you were working on??" Yea. Something to think about.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Beauty of Yesteryear

Ran across this on Big Fat Deal, pictures of Miss Universe contestants back in the day. These women, compaired to modern 'standards of beauty', look healthy and are still beautiful. I'd love to see some full body pics, in the headshots, the women have round plump cheeks, a hint of a double chin, and no visible collarbones. And they were considered the height of beauty in their day. We need to get back to this ideal, instead of the Twiggy image, and even Twiggy came out a few years ago and said she was sorry, that she wasn't healthy (major eating diorders!) and she was appalled at the deaths of young girls she's caused over the years. Fat is not a disease. Don't treat it like one.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


John has arrived safely home in Austin, and actually has a phone number! And it's Tuesday. Coinkidink? I think not!
In other news, it's Tuesday, check out the Zaftig Chicks to see my fabulous recipe for lasagne rolls.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

School, ZC and Other Things

Today is the last day before class starts. I really don't want to take US Government. I really don't want to take forign language or math. And I have to take all this crap to get my degree. (Why? How stupid is that??) So I'm faced with a delemma: take the crap, and hopefully get a degree, or don't, and not have something I've wanted since I was a little child. I think maybe I waited too long to go back. So many other things beg for my attention, like my artwork, cooking, and home repair. I really do not know if I can go through with this. *sigh*
Today I also write my post for the Zaftigs. I am enjoying their witty humor, and the many pics of their boobage. Hope they enjoy my Lasagne rolls.
School starts for the weiner tomorrow as well. 8th grade. Seems like just last week he was heading off to kindergarten in Mrs. Fickett's class. Before we know it, he'll be graduating high school.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Whoring on Facebook.

Now, I have nothing against Facebook, or ppl playing around. But when I see my s-i-l whoring around there, and knowing what I know about her, it makes me so very angry. This little twat has caused her entire family nothing but grief. Got pregnant, moved in with mommy and daddy, who paid for everything, let her live there without working, dumping her kid on them at every opportunity to go party with her friends, totalled their only car, caused them to lose their house and be in debt to the gov for pretty much the rest of their lives. And what do I see when I log onto Facebook? Her picture, in a slutty teddy. Excuse me? A single mother with a kid to feed better get their ass out and get a job. And she STILL lives with them, crammed into an apartment now, and not working as far as we know. I am disgusted.
Unfortunately, I have this sinking feeling that my in-laws will be the cause of the destruction of my marriage. They almost were last year, and I feel it in my bones that it is coming again, this time much worse. I love my husband more than anything except my child, but I will never be held hostage by in-laws ever again.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Activism and Other Bitchings

So, here I am, fresh from a trip to get Round Rock donuts and reading the FA blogs, and some of the stuff I read this morning was enough to put me off my succulent chocolate glazed breakfast.
It's been a fairly craptacular week. First off, the Period from Hell. Ain't menopause grand? Second, having to listen to someone complain that their partner spends thousands of dollars on a monthly, sometimes weekly basis, while I'm struggling to pay my electric bill. (I could ask them for the $$, but no, I'd rather not. I'm a big girl.) Then the idiots who think that a red light/stop sign means "I can go, there's a space I can squeeze my big ass SUV into!" Crap with banks, crap with friends, crap with exes, crap with insurance companies.
The one constant, that keeps me sane and not homicidal, is my husband. He is the light at the end of the tunnel, he will do whatever it takes to make me feel better. And I thank him for it. He is the most wonderful person I have ever had the privilege to know, let alone live with. I love him, our life together, and everything about it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

First Zaftig guest post

So, I cruised over to check out the first guest post on the Zaftig's Wining and Dining feature, and it looks soooo good! Chicken fried in bacon grease, with the bacon crumbled on top. I am so making this! Hhhmmm.....I think I might do it with the breast off the turkey I'm going to make next weekend. Yummers!
Tonight is Dog Heaven Night, also known as Rib Night. Genghis has taken up residence in front of the oven, afraid if he even goes outside for a moment, the ribs will be stolen by the felines. He'll pretty much stay there until we finish eating, giving us sad pitiful looks while sucking in his cheeks in an attempt to make us think he's starving. Yea, right, he's a 75 pound Chow. Not even close.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Zaftig Chicks, lasagne, and other things.

Getting ready to write my guest blog for the wonderful Zaftig Chicks, complete with pics of my lasagne rolls. I love reading their posts, it's nice to communicate with someone who doesn't spend all their time whining about how disgusted they are because they are fat, while scarfing down a foot long chili cheese coney from the Sonic. (You know who you are!)
I'm fat. Not just plump, or overweight. FAT. I love food. I love to read about food, think about food, shop for food (MUCH more fun than clothes), prepare food, and then EAT food! I love, love love it. I love the way it tastes, smells, feels when I rub it on my naked body. (OK, iit was just the once, but still!) And I love my life. Why should I hide and be ashamed? I'm 46 now, and I STILL get hit on in public. I have had lovers of both sexes who love my fat-ness. I don't care if they are 'chubby chasers'. Better than being a modelizer. Sex is great, my health is generally good. I'm in a band, and I have groupies. I have friends who love me the way I am, a big fat bitch. I have a wonderful husband, and my bass player, a wild Norweigan guy, never misses an opportunity to rub himself on me.
I have met many ppl who got a gastric bypass. Funny how ppl think mutilating their bodies will make them happy. Guess what? NONE of those ppl got any happier! In fact, they were even more unhappy, because now they have actually ruined their health, can never eat normally again, and face a much earlier death than if they had been fat. So sad.
Not me. I'm happy the way I am. I don't need validation from ppl I don't know. I've been thin, and I was profoundly miserable all the time. And hungry. Not any more.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Even more horrifying!

I don't usually say this, but...OMFG! That pretty much says it all.

Guest Blogger

How exciting! I've been picked to bew a guest blogger on Two Zaftig Chicks! I got to post a blog and pics at show me making my favorite recipe. Only problem is picking which one! More to follow!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Scary Frankenfood!

So, here I am, reading the CNN website, and this article caught my attention. I was horrified. Just horrified. The soylent green days are fast approaching.